With a view to cover the entire breedable cattle of the state through AI programme using frozen semen, the Government of India is sponsoring the National Project for Cattle & Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB).
The major proportion of the goat population in Kerala belong to Malabari breed and is well adapted to the agro-climatic conditions of the State. As a part of the diversification programme, the Board, during the year 1990-91, started a pilot project on goats at Kulathupuzha. (more…)
The importance of proper feeding in economic dairy farming need not be over – emphasized. The Board had taken up fodder development as one of the most important activities right from the very beginning
The State has evolved a three-tier Artificial Insemination (A.I.) management system to provide the inputs for cattle breeding namely Bull Stations , Regional Semen Banks (RSB), Artificial Insemination Centres. (more…)
With the objective of identifying the most suitable bulls as the sires for the next generation, the KLDB ventured into the field progeny-testing programme involving the two basic tasks viz.,
Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer (MOET) was introduced for production of superior sires. Under this technology, the genetic quality of the elite cows is utilized for the production of next generation bulls. (more…)