The Board of Directors is delegated with the overall powers for running the organization. However, Government approval is obtained wherever necessary. The Managing Director, the Chief Executive of the Board, is vested with both administrative and financial powers. He is assisted by both administrative and technical staff at the head quarters. All the units under the Board are directly responsible to the Managing Director.
The Managing Director is assisted by the heads of the various divisions. The Unit Heads of the Board are given powers to run the activities of the units in accordance with the targets fixed and budget allotted
The Board of Directors
Sri. Pranabjyoti Nath IAS
Secretary to Govt., AH, DD & Zoo, Sports & Youth Affairs Departments
Government Secretariat,
Sri. Asif K Yusuf IAS
Managing Director, KCMMF
Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram
Dr. G Kishore
Dy. General Manager (Animal Breeding)
National Dairy Development Board, Anand – 388001, Gujarat.
Dr. A. Kowsigan IAS
Director of Animal Husbandry
Vikas Bhavan,
Sri. Vinod Kumar V
Under Secretary to Government
Finance Department
Govt.Secretariat, Trivandrum.
Dr. Anil. K.S.
Professor & Head
Department of Livestock Production & Management
Kerala Veterinary & Animal Sciences University
Mannuthy P.O., Thrissur-680 651.
Dr. B Sreekumar
Managing Director
Kerala Feeds Limited
Sri. S.S.Nagesh
Chief (Agriculture Division)
Kerala State Planning Board
Pattom P.O
Trivandrum -4
Dr. R Rajeev
Managing Director
KLD Board, “Gokulam”, Pattom,
Thiruvananthapuram PIN- 695004
Though there has been a considerable expansion in the activities of the Board over the past decade, there has not been any increase in the strength of the employees.Improvement of efficiency through better employer-employee relations and providing of better facilities to the employees can be cited as major reasons for the increased output.
Category | Employee strength |
Senior Executives | 13 |
Junior Executives | 67 |
Staff Category | 65 |
Permanent Workers | 122 |
Total | 267 |