Centre for Applied Livestock Genomics


The Centre for Applied Livestock Genomic Laboratory (CALG), Kudappanakkunnu was established in 2016 under Kerala Livestock Development Board Thiruvananthapuram.     The laboratory have well established Building structure for different activities like Sample reception, DNA isolation, PCR works, Post PCR works, Karyotyping, Genotyping, DNA storage and Bioinformatics room.





  1. As of now CALG laboratory has the facility to test blood and semen samples for
  2. Genetic Disease Screening (GDS) – NABL accredited (TC-11430)
    a) FXI Deficiency (FXID),
    b) Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (BLAD),
    c) Bovine Citrullinemia (BC),
    d) Deficiency of Uridine Monophosphate Synthase (DUMPS).
  3. Karyotyping
  4. IBR screening in semen ejaculates
  5. A1A2 allele detection
  6. Genotyping -Using Microarray
  7. Serum Brucellosis screening using ELISA


CALG has all the instruments to meet the requirements of industry and regulatory bodies for testing


Sl,No Name of Equipment
1 QIAcube HT Automated Nucleic acid extractor
2 Spectrophotometer, Nano Drop Lite
3 Refrigerated centrifuge
4 Electronic Weighing Balance
5 pH meter
6 Incubator
7 Autoclave
8 Hot air Oven
9 Eppendorf Micropipette
10 Laminar Air Flow Units
11 Thermal Cycler –Agilent & Biorad
12 -20oC Deep Freezers
13 -80oC Deep Freezer
14 Concentrator
15 Co2 Incubator
16 Leica Motorized microscope with cytovision software
17 Gel Electrophoresis unit
18 Gel Documentation Unit
19 Real Time PCR –Quant studio 5
20 Microwave oven
21 Genetitan Microarray
22 Hot and Cold water bath
23 Micro centrifuge


Hands on training on molecular Biology Techniques


  • 15 days @Rs.15000/- plus GST, 30 days @Rs.25000/- plus GST, 90 days @Rs.50000/- plus GST.  
  • Training would be scheduled & conducted up on request.


Manager (Trg)
Centre for Applied Livestock Genomics (CALG),
Kerala Livestock Development Board Ltd,
Kudappanakkunnu.P.O, Thiruvananthapuram 695043,
Mobile: 9446441702, Office: 04712930327,


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